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Industry Articles

What are Industry Articles?

Within search engine optimization, having quality content is one of the most important factors to consider. For this post, please understand that any references to the term “industry article” refers to

the placement and submission of content “off the website.” Industry articles are professional journal pieces that are written by a subject matter expert within a particular field. The entry tends to discuss issues and offer solutions and/or opinions. Articles can be place on high value website directories, 3rd party blogs, etc…


Properly written articles can promote your company and increase referral traffic back to your website. In addition, they also provide a high page rank value back link (via anchor text) which tells the search engines that “somebody important is referring/linking to your site.” It is important to also know the major search engines consider contextual links to be powerful and authoritative within the search ranking algorithm. Another benefit of the article is having an authorship link within the footer that will also refer more traffic to your site.

Technical Specifications:

Typically, the piece should be around 500-800 words in length. And the keyword density (for your targeted phrase) should fall within 1.0-2.0%. Some directory websites allow for only one anchor text links with other will let you place two or more. Finally, try to make the title of your article very appealing so that someone will be enticed to read it. Personally, I prefer to create between 1-2 articles per month and that will tend to maintain a good buzz about your business and help keep your traffic at a high level.

In summary, industry articles are great for telling the public and the search engines that your company is a leader in its field. Try to make the article writing process a part of your normal business routine and the benefits will far outweigh the effort to create them.

About the Author: Rhett DeMille, the owner of PalmettoSoft, is a leading search engine optimization  consultant located in the Florida and Greater Carolina areas.

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